Tuesday, March 2, 2010

セクシー悪魔 / Sexy Devilkin

Yes, I admit it -- I have my own unique fashion sense as presented in this outfit, but then again, this isn't your normal fashion blog either.  Sometimes, my outfits reflect a mood I want to portray or for a costume contest, but for the most part I just like to dress up and look cute.  Who needs a reason for that?

Today, I chose the theme of "red" and the first thing that popped into my mind was a devil or demon.  I did not want to make what most people think a devil or demon should look like, which is why I chose not to include a tail and pitchfork for this post.  Besides, what is scarier than pure evil with an innocent face?  That's part of the fun, though.

Please enjoy today's outfit:

Surprisingly, the jacket and pants come from two separate designers, but with the delicate filigree work, it appears that it could have come as one outfit.  The  intricate design on the pants, to me, almost suggests music notes, which is why I really like it.  In the spirit of full disclosure, the boots pictured from Lassitude & Ennui are an older design that I had purchased years ago, but when I visited the store for this post, it appears that they are selling an updated version that looked absolutely beautiful.  This outfit is rounded out with a double belt and low hanging pentacle necklace.

Today's Kazunori action shot:  「今日の和徳くんは」

Shape: My own
Skin: [lessthanthree]<3 - (Lf0) Pale Skin - Emo Kid [boy skins FATPACK] L$0
Hair: booN - ZEN274 hair black L$200
Horns: Lusty Fashion & Clothes - !!Lusty!! Sexy Devil Horns [Part of Complete Outfit] L$399
Eyes: EDDESIGN - HD - Darker RED EYES [Multipack] L$200
Jacket: DE Designs - DE Diablo 09 Crop Jacket [Part of Complete Outfit] L$399
Pants: Bare Rose - ::: B@R ::: Raum Black Pants [Part of Complete Outfit - Raum Black and Blue] L$145
Belt: Discord - RYO-BI Belt 0812 Treasure hunt [Special Item] L$0
Shoes: Lassitude&Ennui - Traveller boots (men's) - black leather L$100
Necklace: SRU: Women's & Men's Fashions[SRU] Pentacle Necklace V2 (Silver) [No Longer for Sale]
Wings: Mage Wings - Black - Small [No Longer for Sale / SIM Closed]

Until next time,


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